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Das Kühlsystem des TR6 funktioniert eigentlich ganz gut…. Eigentlich…. Wenn man ein paar Konstruktionsmängel abstellt und meist mangelnde Pflege nachholt..
Wenn man die „Luftleitpappe“ montiert hat, wird mehr als genug Fahrtwind durch den Kühler gedrückt, um die Wärme los zu werden…„Uprated SpezialAlukühler“ braucht es nur, wenn man den Motor extrem getuned hat oder das System aus anderen Gründen nicht ordentlich funktioniert.
Dieses „Ding“ was immer genau zum falschen Zeitpunkt für Kühlung sorgt:
* Bei noch kaltem Öl/Wasser
* Bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten/Drehzahlen
Und genau nicht, wenn man´s braucht:
* Im Stau/Stadtverkehr
Lösung: Rausschmeißen samt dieser schweren Kurbelwellenverlängerung und nen Elektrolüfter verbauen..
* Verbraucht weniger Energie
* Kühlt, wenn es nötig ist
* Kühlt nicht, wenn es schaden würde (z.B. im Winter wird das Öl nicht warm…)
Meine Lösung:
Lüfter vom HONDA Jazz II (GD-GE) 1.4 61 kW 83 PS (03.2002-07.2008)
Wasserpumpendeckel vom Ford Fiesta II (gut zum entlüften und Platz für nen Thermoschalter)
und ein FEK (Fan Elimination Kit) um die Riemenscheibe weiterhin am Platz zu halten.
Man muß nur mit dem Platz unter der Haube aufpassen:
But that doesn't help if the system is dirty…
This happens if you use tap water and too little radiator antifreeze - which also helps against rust:
Then the „frost plugs“ in the head and engine block rust and the radiator+head become clogged with limescale…
This has happened to many US models because it doesn't freeze much in California, Texas etc. ….
Then the only thing that helps
I used citric acid (Ebay 5Kg/15€) (100g/litre) and plenty of distilled/deionized water, as Mercedes also has in the maintenance plan for its vehicles after 200tKm…
* Drive the car onto the ramps so that you can reach the radiator at the bottom… Run the engine briefly at a higher speed…this will stir up the dirt…Don't wait for the thermostat to open! Then you'll only burn your fingers…
* Drain the cooling water from the radiator (I disconnected the large return hose at the bottom) and the engine (screw at the rear right under the manifold of cylinder six SW 3/4„)… The drain plug on the engine probably needs a lot of persuasion…and then the channel behind it will be completely blocked….
* Dispose of the old fluid properly, rinse with fresh (tap) water…You can disconnect the hoses that go to the heater from the bulkhead and hold a garden hose to it…
* Fill in citric acid solution (6 liters of distilled water + approx. 600gr citric acid powder)…close all holes beforehand8-) and drive a lap with the heater open until the thermostat opens and the radiator is also flushed…
Do not remove the thermostat for the work! Otherwise the cooling water pump will only pump the water in the radiator in a circle and the engine will not get enough cooling power! I drove for 20 minutes at high revs on the country road…
* Let everything cool down a bit and then drain and dispose of it….After that, rinse properly!
DO NOT LEAVE IT ON FOR MORE THAN A FEW HOURS, OTHERWISE SOME OLD PART WILL GIVE UP UNDER THE PRESSURE OF CITRIC ACID! * Fill up the system with 3 liters of Glysanthin G48 and distilled water… * Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***
Since my engine no longer runs as rich as it did with the mechanical injection and I sometimes accelerate, I wanted to install an oil cooler to prevent the oil temperature from getting too high and to relieve the water cooler….You can buy overpriced stuff from specialized dealers….or a „Universal oil cooler with thermostat for BMW AUDI Opel VW“ for 105€ including shipping.
To be able to lay the hoses properly, a few (I took 3 pieces) „Dash 10/AN10 double hose holder, clamp 19-19.5mm“ for 6€ / piece
Then I made 2 more holders from square tubing
and installed everything at the next oil change: I only had to shorten the hoses a little, but that's no problem with the dash fitting…you can find videos on Youtube…
Now I have an oil temperature of less than 100° and water temperature of 85° even at a constant 180 km/h.